Tier III

Avalanche Mitigation






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Course Instructors: Petr Explosives Group is a private explosives training company based in Golden, Colorado. The company was founded by Dr. Vilem Petr, a former Colorado School of Mines professor with over 20 years of experience in explosive education, research, and industry. In addition, lectures may include guest speakers from government and explosives engineering industry experts. 

Avalanche Mitigation: Upon completion of this course, participants will obtain a fundamental understanding of avalanche mitigation techniques and technologies. Attendees will also gain an understanding of snow sciences and shock wave physics. This class is for those interested in advancing their skills and knowledge beyond the classroom in a highly specialized setting, gaining knowledge and practical expertise in world-renowned cutting-edge technologies and applications. These skills are imperative for rapid advancement and new career opportunities and promotions.  Their final written examination will demonstrate student learning.   

Quizzes: Quizzes on material covered in lectures may be given at any time during the class to assess students/class comprehension

Attendance: Regular class attendance and timely completion of assignments is required. Homework and assignments should be completed before moving on to the next lecture.

Course Text:  Explosives Engineering, Paul W. Cooper, Wiley-VCH Inc.